Your electric and water meters measure consumption and are the basis for what Osceola Municipal Light & Power bills its customers. The meters are read on a monthly basis and the readings are recorded onto handheld electronic devices. The data is then downloaded from the handheld electronic devices onto OMLP main billing system. The downloaded data is then used to determine a customer monthly bill.

Osceola Municipal Light & Power employs two full-time meter readers that are responsible for obtaining electric and water meter data throughout the entire City of Osceola. To monitor your own monthly consumption trends you may read your electric meter on a regular basis. A diagram showing how to read your electric meter is located below.

  • The dials on your meter alternate in the direction of turning to reduce errors in readings. However, the dials are read with zero being the smaller number and 9 being the larger. The reading is considered 0 when the indicator is between 0 and 1. When the indicator is between 0 and 9, it is considered 9 (approaching 10).
  • Read the dials on your meter from right to left. The far right dial registers the smallest number.
  • When the indicator is between two numbers, use the smaller one. If in doubt, check the dial to the right, if the indicator is approaching 0, use the smaller number. If it has just passed 0, use the larger number.
  • To determine current usage, deduct the previous reading from the current.
  • To determine electricity charges, use our bill calculator.
    If you have a digital meter, you read it the same way you read a car odometer, from left to right.
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Thursday, December 12, 2024